AWTaglib is a JSP TagLibrary that helps java developers use Active Widgets grid and adds new features to this component.
License: GNU General Public License (GPL).
Main Features
- Main Features
- Easily create an Active Widgets Grid with just a few keystrokes
- Export the grid data to PDF, XLS, CSV, HTML and XML
- Support for Internationalization
- Integration with Struts Framework
- Integration with Spring Framework
- 06/07/2005: Big updates!
- I have decided to update the library version from pre-alpha0.2 to a 0.3 stable. Right now it works wonderful
- A new kind of object, denominated AWGrid, was designed to assist in parsing the properties in java
- Lots of bugs fixed in the javascript side:
- Checkbox component now works as espected
- Fixed some random errors that appeared when you clicked the templates
- Added a "valuecolumn" field to the listElement, so you can choose which value you can use to update the grid
- Added a new "hiddenfields" value to the comboElement, so you can hide the code to be submitted
- Created a DataGrid object, to have a better control with the modified, added & deleted elements and to provide
integration with the AWGrid java object
- Created a new Sample application explaining the new features
- All classes have comments!!! Have to fix them though, my english wasn't very good ;)
- Integration with the Commons Validator Framework is in progress
- 17/06/2005 : Pre-alpha0.2 is out!
- First let me welcome our new team member: Aakash
- After some heavy modifications pre-alpha0.2 is out, here are some of the features:
- Separated the core application from the sample application
- The js, css and png are inside the jar, so they are now loaded from the classpath
- Created new tag to import the required libraries
- The tld file is inside the jar, so you don't have to configure it in web.xml to use it
- New checkbox tag to generate checkbox field!
- Added new js function to automatically add the grid fields as hidden fields to a form
- 10/06/2005
- I would like to welcome the following persons to our development team:
- Francisco Espinosa Martinez
- Daniel Wood
- Miguel Angel
- Shobha Raj
This sub-project will be under Miguel Angel supervision
- Heavy Site Update
- New Architecture link with a brief explanation of AWTaglib insides
- New Todo report
- New project plan page
- New link to the php / perl submodule (Still under construction)
- Modification to the thanks page
- Subversion account stabilized
- 06/06/2005 : Pre-Alpha0.1 is out!
- Heavy updates on the site
- First Pre-alpha of awtaglib released!
- First demo of awtaglib released!
- More updates planned
- 02/06/2005 : First shot!
Site is on!
- This is a test of the site, it will be heavily updated in the next few days
- A small non functional example is up, it is just a preview