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1   package;
3   import java.util.*;
5   import javax.servlet.jsp.*;
7   import org.apache.struts.taglib.*;
8   import org.springframework.web.context.*;
9   import*;
10  import org.apache.commons.lang.*;
12  /***
13   *
14   * <p>Title: AwTaglib</p>
15   *
16   * <p>Description: Active Widgets Tag Library</p>
17   * <p>This is the most important class of the whole framework.</br>
18   * It contains a series of utility methods that help in rendering the grid as a whole, and works intimately with the Grid Iterator Tag</p>
19   * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2005</p>
20   *
21   * <p>Company: Brain-ED</p>
22   *
23   * @author Isidoro Treviņo
24   * @version 1.0
25   */
26  public class GridUtil {
27      private Collection data;
28      private Collection attributes;
29      private Collection row;
30      private WebApplicationContext context;
31      private String name;
32      private boolean empty=false;
34      public GridUtil() {
35          row=new ArrayList();
36          data=new ArrayList();
37          attributes = new ArrayList();
38      }
40      /***
41       * Add a new data cell to the data list
42       * @param dato String
43       */
44      public void setData(String dato){
45          row.add(dato);
46      }
47      /***
48       * Create a new row for the data list
49       */
50      public void newRow(){
51          data.add(row);
52          row=new ArrayList();
53      }
54      /***
55       * Add a new header and attributes for the given list
56       * @param atrib HashMap
57       */
58      public void addTitle(HashMap atrib){
59          attributes.add(atrib);
60      }
62      /***
63       * Return the data entered into the grid
64       * @return Collection
65       */
66      public Collection getData() {
67          return data;
68      }
70      /***
71       * Get a collection full of hashmaps with the attributes depending on the kind of field
72       * @return Collection
73       */
74      public Collection getAttributes() {
75          return attributes;
76      }
78      /***
79       * Get a row from the datalist
80       * @return Collection
81       */
82      public Collection getRow() {
83          return row;
84      }
86      public void setEmptyCollection(){
87          empty=true;
88      }
90      /***
91       * Return a string representation of the datalist, ready to be used by the grid
92       * @return String
93       */
94      public String getDataArray(){
95          StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
96          Collection row;
97          if(!empty){
98              for (Iterator i = data.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
99                  buffer.append("[");
100                 row = (Collection);
101                 for (Iterator j = row.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) {
102                     buffer.append("'");
103                     buffer.append(;
104                     buffer.append("',");
105                 }
106                 buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length() - 1);
107                 buffer.append("],");
108             }
109         }
110         else{
111             buffer.append(",");
112         }
113         buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length()-1);
114         return buffer.toString();
115     }
116     /***
117      * Gets a string representing the header array.
118      * @return String
119      */
120     public String getTitleArray(){
121         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
122         buffer.append("\n var myColumns = [");
123         for(Iterator i=attributes.iterator();i.hasNext();){
124             buffer.append("\"");
125             buffer.append(((HashMap)"title"));
126             buffer.append("\",");
127         }
128         buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length()-1);
129         buffer.append("];");
130         return buffer.toString();
131     }
132     /***
133      * Get the column templates to be rendered by the grid
134      * @return String
135      * @throws Exception
136      */
137     public String getColumnProperties() throws Exception {
138         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
139         HashMap map;
140         String tipo;
141         int cont=0;
142         ResourceManagerIface resource = (ResourceManagerIface) context.getBean(GridConstants.RESOURCEMANAGER);
143         for(Iterator i=attributes.iterator();i.hasNext();cont++){
144             map=(HashMap);
145             tipo = (String) map.get(GridConstants.TYPE);
146             if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.READONLY)){
147                 buffer.append(getReadOnlyField(map,cont,resource));
148             }
149             else if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.EDITABLE)){
150                 buffer.append(getEditableField(map,cont,resource));
151             }
152             else if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.CHECK)){
153                 buffer.append(getCheckboxField(map,cont,resource));
154             }
155             else if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.DATE)){
156                 buffer.append(getDateField(map,cont,resource));
157             }
158             else if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.COMBOBOX)){
159                 buffer.append(getComboBoxField(map,cont,resource));
160             }
161             else if(tipo.equals(GridConstants.LIST)){
162                 buffer.append(getListField(map,cont,resource));
163             }
164         }
165         return buffer.toString();
166     }
168     /***
169      * Return a list template
170      *
171      * @param map HashMap
172      * @param cont int
173      * @return String
174      */
175     public String getListField(HashMap map, int cont,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws Exception {
176         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.LIST_SCRIPT);
177         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.NAME_TOKEN,name);
178         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(cont));
179         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.VALUE_COLUMN_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.VALUE_COLUMN)));
180         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.OPTIONS_LIST_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.LIST_OPTIONS)));
181         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.TITLES_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.TITLES)));
182         return result;
183     }
185     /***
186      * Return a ComboBox template
187      *
188      * @param map HashMap
189      * @param cont int
190      * @return char
191      */
192     public String getComboBoxField(HashMap map, int cont,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws
193             Exception {
194         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.COMBOBOX_SCRIPT);
195         if(((String)map.get(GridConstants.HIDDEN_VALUES)).equals(Boolean.toString(true))){
196             String dynaCombo = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.DYNACOMBO_SCRIPT);
197             result = result.concat(dynaCombo);
198             result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.DOT_OPTIONS_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.DOT_OPTIONS)));
199         }
200         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(cont));
201         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.NAME_TOKEN,name);
202         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.OPTIONS_COMBO_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.COMBOBOX_OPTIONS)));
203         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.ACTION_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.ACTION)));
204        return result;
205     }
207     /***
208      * Return a Date template
209      *
210      * @param map HashMap
211      * @param cont int
212      * @return char
213      */
214     public String getDateField(HashMap map, int cont,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws Exception {
215         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.DATE_SCRIPT);
216         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(cont));
217         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.NAME_TOKEN,name);
218         return result;
219     }
221     /***
222      * Return a Checkbox template
223      *
224      * @param map HashMap
225      * @param cont int
226      * @return char
227      */
228     public String getCheckboxField(HashMap map, int cont,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws
229             Exception {
230         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.CHECKBOX_SCRIPT);
231         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(cont));
232         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.NAME_TOKEN,name);
233         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.TRUE_VALUE_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.TRUE_VALUE)));
234         result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.FALSE_VALUE_TOKEN,((String)map.get(GridConstants.FALSE_VALUE)));
235         return result;
236     }
238     /***
239      * Return an Editable template
240      *
241      * @param map HashMap
242      * @param cont int
243      * @return char
244      */
245     public String getEditableField(HashMap map, int cont,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws
246             Exception {
247         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.EDITABLE_SCRIPT);
248        result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(cont));
249        result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.NAME_TOKEN,name);
250        return result;
251     }
253     /***
254      * Return a Read Only template
255      * @param map HashMap
256      * @param index int
257      * @param resource ResourceManagerIface
258      * @return String
259      * @throws Exception
260      */
261     public String getReadOnlyField(HashMap map,int index,ResourceManagerIface resource) throws
262             Exception {
263         String result = resource.getResourceAsString(GridConstants.READONLY_SCRIPT);
264        result = StringUtils.replace(result,GridConstants.COLUMN_TOKEN,String.valueOf(index));
265        return result;
266     }
268     public void setContext(WebApplicationContext context) {
269         this.context = context;
270     }
272     public void setName(String name) {
273 = name;
274     }
276     /***
277      * Returns a String representing an array with the properties of the bean being rendered
278      *
279      * @return String
280      */
281     public String getPropertyArray() {
282         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
283         for(Iterator i=attributes.iterator();i.hasNext();){
284             buffer.append("'");
285             buffer.append(((HashMap);
286             buffer.append("',");
287         }
288         buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length()-1);
289         return buffer.toString();
290     }
292     /***
293      * Returns a string representing an array with the headers being rendered
294      *
295      * @return String
296      */
297     public String getHeaderArray() {
298         StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
299         for(Iterator i=attributes.iterator();i.hasNext();){
300             buffer.append("'");
301             buffer.append(((HashMap);
302             buffer.append("',");
303         }
304         buffer.deleteCharAt(buffer.length()-1);
305         return buffer.toString();
306     }
308     /***
309      * Return all the templates that will be rendered
310      *
311      * @return String
312      */
313     public String getTemplates() {
314         try {
315             return getColumnProperties();
316         } catch (Exception ex) {
317             ex.printStackTrace();
318             return "";
319         }
320     }
322 }